Let's get you thriving

Setting yourself up
Navigating through finances can be tricky, so we've got tips and guides to help get you started, from budgets to getting fee savvy, to talking to your kids about money.

Saving & investing
Let's get your money working hard for you, whether you're starting out on your saving journey or looking to build a long-term nest egg.

Borrowing & debt
Learn ways to manage your debt, how credit checks work, and how different borrowing options may work for you.
Navigating tough times

Recent economic events have led to financial stress and uncertainty for many Kiwi. If times are feeling tough, there are steps you can take to give yourself some breathing room.
Explore our calculators & tools

Talking to kids about money
Money can be a hard concept for kids to get their heads around. Lay the groundwork when they’re young and set them up with some simple tools and advice.
Help & resources
Explore our Help hub
Our hub for online banking how-to guides and step-by-step instructions. Find out how to find your access number, reset your internet banking password, make a payment and more.
Economic commentary & insights
Our economists breakdown the big economic issues, locally and globally, making them relevant to Kiwi businesses.
This is Kiwi podcast
Tune into our award-winning podcast series where real Kiwi provide insights and actionable learnings from their life journey and experiences with money to help make Kiwi better off. This is knowledge for better.
This page provides general information and isn't intended as regulated financial advice. To review your specific situation and financial requirements please talk to one of our Kiwibank Representatives or your Financial Adviser.