Payments between Kiwibank accounts
Kiwibank to Kiwibank payments or transfers are processed immediately.
If you're making a payment or transfer to a Kiwibank Credit Card, your credit card balance will automatically update the 'available balance'. The 'owing balance' won't update until the next business day. Public holidays don't affect the process of internal transfers. Please note that if payments are made at certain times outside of ordinary business hours, the update to your ‘available balance’ and/or ‘owing balance’ may be delayed by up to two business days.
Automatic payments
Automatic payments are processed around 10am on the due date.
If there’s not enough money in your account, we’ll try the payment again at 10pm the same day, then again at 10am and 10pm on the next day, if needed. If the payment fails four times, it won't be processed.
Direct debit
Direct debits are processed overnight – they’re the last thing we do each day to make sure you receive any deposits before we send out your payments.
Practically, this means the funds leave your account sometime in the middle of the night – the exact time varies each day.
Payments to other banks
We send payments to other banks every hour between 9am and midnight every day. Payments submitted after midnight will be sent after 9am.
Depending on the receiving bank’s timeframes, the recipient could see the money in their account quickly after you make a payment or it may show overnight.
For future dated payments, see automatic payments.
Payments from other banks
We process payments coming into your accounts from other banks at regular intervals between 9am and midnight every day.
If you get a regular payment, for example your salary, a benefit or pension, you might be used to seeing that payment turn up at a certain time each week or fortnight. However, there’s no guarantee that payments will always show up at the same time.
Payments from Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
Regular MSD payments will be processed into your account by 11pm on the day the payment is received by Kiwibank.
Regular payments include (but aren't limited to); WINZ benefits, NZ Super, Studylink, Veterans Pension, Youth Payments and Accommodation Supplements.
Non regular payments from MSD, such as emergency payments from Work and Income, are processed as soon as they're received by Kiwibank between 9am and midnight.
Holiday payment information for public holidays

If you’re expecting money to come in or go out on a public holiday, please be aware that payment timings may be affected.