Deceased estates

We know the last thing you want when a family member or friend has passed away is the worry of taking care of their financial affairs. We have a team dedicated to help you start sorting things out.

What you'll need to do

1. Let us know who has passed away

The quickest and easiest way to let us know that someone has passed away is to complete the below form. All we need to know at this stage is the name of the person who has passed away, their date of birth and a little information about you.

You can also contact us by emailing, calling us on 0800 113 355 or from overseas +64 4 473 11 33, or write to us at Deceased Estates, Kiwibank Limited, Private Bag 39888, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045.


2. We'll get in touch with you

We'll be in touch within 3-5 business days to let you know what information and documents you'll need to provide to finalise the deceased’s estate. The fastest way for us to get in touch with you is by email so please make sure you provide us with your email address.

3. Send us information and documentation

You’ll need to send us copies of all the documents and information we have asked for in Step 2. Where probate has been granted, or you have letters of administration issued by the New Zealand High Court, we'll need to see copies.

It's important to note, we can only accept instructions from:

  • all executor(s)
  • administrator(s)
  • a person authorised under the Administration Act 1969.

4. We'll close the deceased’s accounts and release the money

When we're asked by the executor or administrator, we'll close the deceased’s personal accounts and pay out the money as directed.

Frequently asked questions

How do I get a death certificate?

For details on how to appy for a death certificate visit the visit the Department of Internal Affairs website

Can the deceased’s funeral be paid from the money in their accounts?

Yes, we can usually pay the cost of the funeral to the funeral home once we receive the funeral home’s invoice and any other information we require. If there’s not enough money to pay the entire invoice we may make a partial payment with the money available in the deceased’s account.

What happens if I’m applying for a funeral grant through WINZ?

You'll need to contact WINZ to complete the request. We'll then supply the information required directly to WINZ. Visit for more information.

What happens to joint accounts?

When one owner of a joint account passes away the surviving owner will become the sole owner of the account and will be able to operate the account as usual.

What happens to joint credit cards?

When a joint cardholder passes away, as the survivor, you can request that the card remains open. After carrying out an affordability assessment, we may decide to:

  • remove the deceased joint owner from the card account and/or change the credit limit, or
  • suspend or close the card account.

Once we’re notified of the death of a joint cardholder, additional cardholders will be suspended from the card. As the survivor, you may ask us to remove the suspension to allow the additional cardholder to use their card or request to remove the additional cardholder(s).

What if the deceased had debt with Kiwibank?

Our specialist team will contact the person administrating the estate to discuss any action required.

What happens to business accounts?

Our business banking team will contact the appropriate parties directly to discuss any business account changes that may be required.