Here's how to amend your name or gender on our systems.

Here's how we can help

If you wish to change your name

Bring ONE of the following to a branch with ID:

  • Name change certificate
  • Birth certificate*
  • Marriage certificate
  • Particulars of marriage
  • Civil union certificate
  • Supporting letter from Births, Deaths and Marriages†

*For name change only this will show your former and new names.
†For name and sex marker change.

If you wish to revert to your former name

Bring ONE of the following to a branch with ID:

  • Marriage certificate*
  • Particulars of marriage*
  • Civil union certificate*

* These will show both your former and married names.

If you wish to amend your gender

Get in touch with us:

We'll need to confirm you own the account, then we can amend your gender immediately. No additional documentation is required.

Name changes

If you use a name that doesn't match official records, we can add your preferred name to our system, but we're unable to issue formal documentation (e.g. loan documents, statements) or cards (debit or credit) in your preferred name.

A place where we all belong

We're dedicated to ensuring our Rainbow whānau are looked after properly, and we're working on enhancing our systems to reflect how Kiwi may identify. We're putting effort into the design of our future technology to enable us to build the bank that we want to be in the future.

If you'd like more information about Te Kahukura Kāpuia, email and we'll be in touch. For general enquiries, please contact us.

If you'd like to know more about how we keep your information safe you can review our Kiwibank Privacy Policy.