Learn how to read your bank statement, to know what terms like POSREJ stands for.

  1. 1

    Account details

    This outlines your account name, number and balance as at the end of the statement period. You'll also see your account details on the last page of your statement.

    Account details
  2. 2

    Transaction details

    This dates and outlines all the withdrawals (purchases and payments), deposits and interest or fees charged to your account during the statement period. It also gives you a running account balance on the right hand side after each transaction.

    Transaction Details
  3. 3

    Closing account balance

    This is the total amount available in your account at the end of the statement period.

    Closing balance
  4. 4


    POSREJ on a statement means that you’ve attempted a transaction in-store with your card but it declined. This shows temporarily and your account balance hasn't changed.