Feedback, complaints & compliments

If you'd like to make a complaint, give us a compliment for a great experience you've had or have feedback about something else, we'd like to hear from you. We use this feedback to make sure we keep doing what you like us to do, and to work on the things we need to improve.
Kiwibanker at laptop

How to give us your feedback

We appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback – you can give us your feedback a couple of ways.

Complete our online form


Other ways

What we do about complaints

We resolve a majority of complaints within two to five business days. When it’s a more complex complaint, it can take longer to resolve but we’ll provide you with regular updates.

When we make a decision about your complaint, we'll tell you why we made the decision and what we’re going to do next.

If you'd like to talk to us directly call 0800 333 239. If you’re overseas, call +64 4 473 11 33 (international charges apply).

Our Complaints Resolution Team will do their best to make sure your complaint is fully resolved, but if you’re not satisfied with the outcome you can request an independent internal review. This should be requested in writing by emailing

What if we can't resolve your complaint?

If we haven’t been able to resolve your complaint, you might want to get help from the Banking Ombudsman Scheme. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme provides free independent help to resolve disagreements between banks and their customers.

The Banking Ombudsman Scheme can look into most types of banking-related complaints. For more information about the complaints they can consider, visit The Banking Ombudsman Scheme will refer a case to us if it hasn’t already been through our complaints process.

Banking Ombudsman Scheme brochures are available at your nearest Kiwibank, or you can contact the Banking Ombudsman Scheme directly.

Code of Banking Practice

We adhere to the Code of Banking Practice, which sets out best industry practice and what banks will do for customers. To download a copy of the New Zealand Bankers' Association Code of Banking Practice, visit