Pay your business bills, make one-off payments and transfer money to others in internet banking or our mobile app.

Key features & benefits

  • Pay your bills online, either straight away or set up a payment for a future date.

  • Set payments for a day when you know there'll be enough funds in your account.

  • Create or change one-off or recurring payments.

  • Save details of the person or company you're paying to your payees list, so you can use them again.

How to make a payment

We have step-by-step instructions on our how to make a payment page in the mobile app or internet banking.

If you don't have the mobile app or internet banking you can call us on 0800 113 355 to make a payment, or visit your nearest Kiwibank.

Making international payments

Couple talks

You can send money overseas through internet banking for business, but you can't do it as a normal bill payment, it has to be either via international direct credit or telegraphic money transfer.

Talk to us

If you'd like to talk through your payment options, get it touch with our business banking specialists.

Enquire online

Complete our online form and one of business banking specialists will get back to you within one to three working days.

Enquire online

Call us

Call our business banking team on 0800 601 601, or +64 4 803 1646 if you’re calling from overseas.
Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm.