Do it all online
Stay on top of your finances
- Make multiple payments in batches instead of one at a time
- Set up payroll and other regular payments as single batch payments and just edit or reuse them when you need to
- Make payments to many parties, instead of one at a time
- Make international payments
- Integrate your accounts with your accounting software.
Manage your accounts online
- Access your personal and business accounts from a single login – and easily switch between them
- Set approval processes and authorisations – decide who can do what and when
- Add multiple users with different permissions, access levels and authorisations.
Register for internet banking

To register for internet banking for business, you'll need to give us a call on 0800 601 601.
Common questions
Managing your account
Three kinds of user you can add to your account
1. Authority to operate
Someone with authority to operate is a signatory on the account. They can make payments and call Kiwibank to discuss your accounts.
To add a signatory, you’ll need to send a signed request to the business banking team by email, post or fax. The request needs to include the signatory’s:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Phone number.
If your account takes two authorities to withdraw, then any two of the current signatories will need to sign the request.
2. Data entry user
A data entry user can log into internet banking for business, view transaction history and create pending payments from your accounts. You’ll still need to log in and authorise the payments they create.
3. Data view only user
A data view only user can see your accounts and transactions in internet banking for business, but can’t initiate payments or change any details — this is useful for people like accountants who may need access to your transaction history.
To add a data entry or data view only user in internet banking for business:
- Go to “settings”
- Go to “manage data users”
- Go to “add a data user” and follow the instructions.
You can allow data entry and data view only users access to all your accounts or a select few. You manage these users — they don’t have the authority to call us to discuss the accounts.
Our Business Low Rate Visa credit card is issued in the holder’s name rather than the business’, so they don’t appear in your business account list by default. To see your Business Low Rate Visa in internet banking for business:
- Go to “settings”
- Go to “manage transactional users”
- Go to “manage credit card account access”
- Click “edit” and change the access level from “no access” to “access”
- Click “next page” and then “update account access”.
To set or change a PIN on your EFTPOS card, Visa Debit Card or credit card:
- Log in to internet banking
- Go to ‘Cards’
- Choose the card you want to add the PIN on
- Select ‘Set/Change PIN’
- Enter your new PIN
- Re-enter your new PIN (to confirm it).
Managing payments
Please call us on 0800 601 601. We can try and recover the funds for you, although we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to.
There’s a charge of $20 if the payment in error was made to a Kiwibank account and $45 if the payment in error was made to an account at another bank regardless of the outcome.
The payment might be past its due date. If a payment isn’t authorised before the date it’s due to be made, it'll expire. You’ll need to delete the payment and set it up again.
If the payment hasn’t expired, please call us on 0800 601 601.
If your account needs two signatories to withdraw, you can’t amend automatic payments. You’ll need to delete the payment and set it up again.
If you don’t have a two-to-sign account, please call us 0800 601 601 and we’ll check your settings.
Making bulk or batch payments
Please call us on 0800 601 601. You’ll need to be an owner of the business.
We deal with most of the major accounting packages used in New Zealand, including:
- Access Payroll
- IMS Payroll
- Payroll Parters
- Xero
Most accounting packages have a format called GIFTS (or sometimes BNZ GIFTS) — you can use this format to create a file our system can accept.
Take a note of the error message and call us Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm on 0800 601 601 or +64 4 803 1646 if you're calling from overseas.
If the payment was set up “send after 6pm”, your account will be debited around 6pm on the due date.
If the payment was set to “send now”, your account will be debited within the next hour between 9am and 11.30pm every day.
If you’re a data entry user on the account, someone with authority to operate (or two people for two-to-sign accounts) needs to approve your payment before it can be processed.
You may be able to do this in internet banking before your account is debited. Otherwise, our business banking team are available Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm on 0800 601 601, or +64 4 803 1646 if you’re calling from overseas.
Viewing statements
Generating your own statement within internet banking is easy. We've outlined the steps to do this below.
- Log in to internet banking
- Click into the account you wish to see transactions for
- Filter your transactions to the time period you seek
- Click on 'search/export options'
- Select what type of transactions you'd like to see e.g. all deposits and withdrawals
- In the format dropdown select 'print friendly PDF'
- Click the 'Export' button.
This will give you a download of your transaction history based on the filters you selected.
Boost your online banking security
We take protecting you and your money seriously and have a range of ways to help keep you and your finances safe when you’re banking online.
Our authentication measures add an extra layer of security to your online banking by double-checking that you're logging in or making a transaction.
SMS one-time codes
A secure authorisation method where a unique numeric code is sent to your mobile number via SMS. The code expires after a few minutes and can't be reused.