Your internet banking is getting a refresh

Our tīma (team) has been working hard behind the scenes to make changes to your digital banking experience to make it simpler and more accessible. We'll be rolling out these updates in phases to small groups of customers, so not everyone will see the updates straight away.

How will it work?

We'll be rolling out these updates in phases to small groups of our kiritaki (customers), which means that some internet banking pages may have a fresh new look, while others will look the same for now.

Think of it like renovating your house room by room — some rooms will be finished, some are being worked on and others are waiting for their turn.

By the end of our renovation project, our entire internet banking experience will be updated with a fresh new look and improved experience. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience while we roll up our sleeves and get to work.

What's changing?

  • You'll start to see changes to your digital banking experience starting with a new view of your accounts.
  • Some pages may have a new look, while other pages will still look the same for now.
  • Not everyone will have a new internet banking experience yet, so don't be surprised if your whānau, friends or colleagues can't see the updated pages yet.
  • When you move between new and old pages, the URL will change. It's important to note that authentic Kiwibank URLS will always contain "". Once the upgrade is completed and rolled out to all customers, the URL will be consistent across internet banking. In the meantime, you can expect to see pages switching between the following URLs:
  • The Notes feature is being retired, but you'll still be able to see your previously saved notes.

What do I need to do?

Nothing! Just log in to internet banking as usual using your existing login details and if you have any questions please read the guide below.

Internet banking refresh guide

How to make a payment

You can make a payment from the Accounts overview by selecting Pay & Transfer in the top menu or by following the steps below.

  1. From the Accounts overview, identify the account you'd like to make a payment from and click the '$' icon at the bottom right of the box
  2. Follow the prompts to make a payment.

New pay feature internet banking Aug 2024

How to make a transfer

You can make a transfer from the Accounts overview by selecting Pay & Transfer in the top menu or by following the steps below.

  1. From the Accounts overview, identify the account you'd like to make a transfer from, click the icon with the two arrows at the bottom right of the box
  2. Follow the prompts to make the transfer.
New transfer feature internet banking Aug 2024

How to find your statements

You can access your statements from the Accounts overview by selecting Settings in the top menu and then clicking Statement vault or by following these steps.

  1. From the Accounts overview, identify the account you'd like to see statements for and click the icon with the three dots at the bottom right of the box
  2. Follow the prompts to see and download your statements.

New statements access internet banking Aug 2024

How to change between list or grid accounts view

You can choose how your accounts show on your Accounts overview.

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Click the List or Grid icon in the top right corner of the screen to change how your accounts appear.
List view
List view internet banking
Grid view
Grid view internet banking changes

How to see your transactions

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Click one of your accounts and you'll be taken to recent transaction history for this account.

How to see your transactions in internet banking

How to view a single transaction

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Click one of your accounts and you'll be taken to a recent transaction history for this account
  3. To see the details of a single transaction, click on that transaction and the details will display on the side.
View single transaction detail new feature internet banking

How to search and filter your transactions

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Click one of your accounts and you'll be taken to recent transaction history for this account
  3. Use the Search transactions box or any of the filter icons (Any amount, Any date, All transactions) to find specific transactions.
Filter your transactions by amount
How to filter your transaction search results by amount
Filter your transactions by date

How to filter your transaction search results by date
Filter your transactions by transaction type
How to filter your transaction search results by transaction type

How to export your transactions

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Click on one of your accounts and you'll be taken to a recent transaction history for this account
  3. Click the Export icon and select the file format you'd like your transactions to be exported in.

How to export your transactions

How to choose which transactions you'd like to export

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Click one of your accounts and you'll be taken to an overview of the transactions for this account
  3. To select which transactions you'd like to export, click the All transactions icon and choose from the following options:
    • 'All transactions' to export all of the transactions shown on this page
    • 'Withdrawals' to export only payments and withdrawals from this account
    • 'Deposits' to export credits or deposits to this account.

How to choose which transactions you'd like to export

Changes to My Notes

The notes feature is no longer available in internet banking. You can still read notes you've saved previously, but you won't be able to edit them or create new ones.

How to access your read-only notes

  1. Log in to internet banking using your access number and password and you'll land on the Accounts overview
  2. Go to Settings in the top menu
  3. Under Personal settings and details select My notes to see previously saved notes.

My notes internet banking

Goal Tracker update

Our Goal Tracker tool is currently unavailable in internet banking while we work on some updates, but you can still use it in our mobile app.

Tohu pattern artwork green Tohu pattern artwork green

Boost your online banking security

Add extra layers of security that double-check that it's you logging in or making a transaction in internet banking.