The whānau
You may not know this but our parent company is Kiwi Group Capital Limited (KGC for short) and is a government-owned group that includes Kiwibank and New Zealand Home Loans.

Kiwi Group Capital Limited
Kiwi Group Capital was established in November 2022 as a holding company to oversee the Crown’s investment in its subsidiaries Kiwibank and NZHL, and indirectly through those subsidiaries, to carry out and develop their businesses, including the provision of banking and financial services.
Kiwi Group Capital is a Public Finance Act 1989, Schedule 4A company. Certain provisions of the Crown Entities Act 2004 apply to Kiwi Group Capital, including those relating to Crown entity reporting.
The Board is accountable to the Minister of Finance and the Minister for State-Owned Enterprises, and is supported by a dedicated Investment Director. Kiwi Group Capital also receives Company Secretariat resource and other shared services support from Kiwibank.
The Board directors are:
- David McLean (Chair)
- Rukumoana Schaafhausen
- Mike Pohio
To contact the Board or Investment Director, please email
Crown reporting documents
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New Zealand Home Loans
New Zealand Home Loans was founded in Hamilton in November 1996 by John Erkkila and Murray Ferguson.
In 2006, Kiwi Group bought a 51% stake in NZHL, gradually increasing its shareholding until it owned 100% of the company by July 2012.
NZHL employees are not employed under Kiwibank and the company is run as a separate entity.