How to get verified
We’re required by law to check your identification (ID) and proof of address at certain times, including when you open an account with Kiwibank as a new or existing customer.* In all cases, we'll need to keep a copy of your ID, proof of address and any other supporting documents used to open an account.

Verify with your smartphone
You'll need to currently live in New Zealand and have an acceptable form of ID, such as your New Zealand drivers licence or passport, to get verified on your smartphone.

Verify in branch
You'll need to take some acceptable forms of ID and proof of address to get verified in branch.
Overseas tax information
Before setting up a new account, you'll also be required to provide information on your overseas tax residency status including your tax identification number if applicable.**
Foreign tax residents
If you’re a tax resident in any country other than New Zealand, we’ll require your tax identification number.
US citizens or US tax residents
If you’re a US citizen or US tax resident we’ll need to ask you a few questions to comply with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
*This process is called Customer Due Diligence and is required under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009. We need to check your ID and proof of address in order to verify your full name, date of birth and address.
**This information is required under the Tax Administration Act 1994. As a New Zealand financial institution, Kiwibank must identify accounts held by customers who are foreign tax residents or entities connected to foreign tax residents, and must report prescribed identity and financial information about these accounts to Inland Revenue annually.