Unequivocal support of LGBTTQIA+ communities from senior leaders at Kiwibank and an active Rainbow employee network were highlighted as areas of strength when the New Zealand owned bank was certified with the Rainbow Tick this week.
Kiwibank Chief Executive Steve Jurkovich said he was committed to creating a safe and welcoming workplace for members of the LGBTTQIA+ communities and he would keep up the mahi to ensure that the mana of LGBTTQIA+ people was upheld.
“In this time of physical distancing, inclusion and kindness couldn’t be more relevant. More than ever, our team members need to know they are supported.
“Kiwibank’s Rainbow Tick certification is an acknowledgement that we’ve met Rainbow Tick standards but our commitment to inclusion and diversity doesn’t stop here.
“Kiwibank was the first bank in New Zealand to gain the Gender Tick accreditation last year. Through both our intent and deliberate actions, gaining the Rainbow Tick is another quantifiable way in which we can deliver on our purpose to make more Kiwis better off,” he said.
Rainbow Tick programme manager Val Little says Kiwibank should be proud of its inclusive culture and members of the Kiwibank leadership team were shining examples of what an ally looks like.
Rainbow Tick was established in 2014, based on the rationale that reduction and prevention of discrimination against LGBTTQIA+ people in the workplace will lead to improved health outcomes for LGBTTQIA+ New Zealanders.
Rainbow Tick’s mission is to challenge heteronormativity and cisnormativity in the context of workplaces, contributing towards a future New Zealand where LGBTTQIA+ people can live free from discrimination.

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